'Baby on Board'- Memento Jewellery

This is a beautiful little memento necklace I recently created for a lovely client of mine. She was presented with this tiny black bean by her daughter-in-law on the news of her long awaited pregnancy. It represented the size of her daughter-in-laws growing baby, and was a true surprise and delight for the prospective grandmother. 

She asked me to preserve the bean in a miniature eco resin globe necklace so she could always remember the pivotal occasion. I nestled the bean at the base of the globe, as if cradled by its gentle contours. My signature crystal clear resin showcased every minuscule detail and intriguing form. I then surrounded it with a protective embrace of magical dandelion seeds; an emphatic declaration that wishes do come true. The overall result was a stunning keepsake that holds a wealth of meaning and memories.