'Wedding Bells'- Bridal Jewellery

Over the last 5 years I've been making my 'Bouquet Bangles' and other little jewellery mementos from beautiful wedding bouquets. It was a unique idea of mine and one I continue with today, having made numerous sparkling eco resin jewels for brides all around the world. 

I love to work on these projects as they mark such a special moment in everyone's life. The hours of workmanship, months of procrastination and planning that go into making a bouquet all culminate in one day of admiration and then sadly the bouquets are often thrown away or dried and stored in a box; forgotten about and left to gather dust.

 The bouquet bangles offer a renewed lease of life. To have a little reminder of the 'big day' and one you can also wear is all the more precious. If you'd like your own bouquet made into a special memento, you can drop me an email on my contact page.