'Spring Pickings' - Flower Foraging on the Farm

Spring has finally greeted us, and although the weather is a bit unpredictable these last few weeks, Mother Nature is showing little signs of new life.

The sense of anticipation for the season ahead is invigorating after the numbing grey tinted days of Winter. I’ve started to forage for early floral delights springing up around me. Beautiful golden gorse gilds the hedgerows of the farm; its intoxicating coconut aroma always stops me in its tracks. It makes a welcome treat for lady bugs and solitary bees who get merry on its pocketfuls of pollen. The whitethorn also displays its delicate lace-like flowers; concealing its barbed and rugged stems beneath. As I gaze into the distance, a beautiful halo of white lace drapes over the perimeters of the hedges.

I love collecting native blooms; there’s something intrinsic and natural foraging on a seasonal basis. It makes you see your surroundings in a new light and appreciate the often unnoticed, the often neglected uncultivated flowers in our countryside. It has always been my objective to celebrate these forgotten flowers, and honour their fragile beauty in my jewellery.

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© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com