'Miley & Me'

Country life is often portrayed by the enduring image of man walking his dog through lush green pastures, but that image is a little different on our farm; how about woman being taken for a long country walk by her cat!

Miley, the male kitten born last June (you can read more here) is growing up to be quite the gentleman. His manners can be at times a little off: punching butterflies and chasing frogs, but we’ll forgive him for that as he has become my dedicated walking partner on my evening strolls. He has to lead the way on our tracks, letting out little squeaks if I’m going too slow, but allowing me time to stop and pick flowers, which permits him a rest and a belly rub- he’s quite partial to those.

It always makes me smile to see him with his head held high in the air marching ahead of me, or galloping past me like a tiny horse when he catches up with me after a bust up with a bumble bee. I was wondering if anyone else has a cat who does the same? They are funny little creatures, and great companions, and I’m quite happy with my new walking buddy.

© Lost Forest by Gillian Corcoran
© Lost Forest by Gillian Corcoran
© Lost Forest by Gillian Corcoran
© Lost Forest by Gillian Corcoran
© Lost Forest by Gillian Corcoran