'Look & See'

"Oh, look, here's a big bee just tumbled out of an apple blossom. Just think what a lovely place to live—in an apple blossom! Fancy going to sleep in it when the wind was rocking it. If I wasn't a human girl I think I'd like to be a bee and live among the flowers." - Anne of Green Gables

I can relate to that quote, and often find myself saying similar. A child-like wonder for nature enhances our curiosity beyond measure, and feeds our imagination to depths we may never know were there. I’ve always been a wanderer in my own imagination, often getting lost for hours, spurred on by little hidden worlds beneath my feet and tucked away in hedgerows. Sometimes words cannot express what we see, so we just look, wonder, appreciate and smile. Happiness is usually found in life’s simple pleasures.

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© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com