'The January Blue Skies'

It’s that time of year again when the celebrations and indulgences are over, and the reality of a brand new year sits patiently at every doorstep. Some people dread the new beginning, but I look forward to the prospects ahead, and the slow and gradual ease into spring. The thoughts of the impending daffodils nestled under the soil, and the slight appearance of the primrose in the hedgerows is enough to make this month a happy one.

After the rain showers pass over the drumlins, I make my escape from the house down the fields for some cobwebs to be well and truly blown away, to be able to take those first early morning breaths of frosty fresh air to rejuvenate the ‘sleepy heads’, and get the cogs moving again for new creative thoughts. I always like the break over the Christmas to empty my mind of ideas and work, and see things with fresh eyes in the first week of January. It gives me a relish to create once again, and try new and exciting things. Physical and mental rest is of great importance.

As usual, Miley accompanies me on my farm walks, despite giving out non-stop with a tirade of squeaks and wails as he makes his way through puddles, and tufts of sodden sods of earth. The invention of the cat wellington is very much needed around this part of Ireland.

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© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com