'Say Cheese'- Cow Selfies

Our dairy girls are awaiting the calving season, which is not too far away. For now, they are resting in the sheds and being well looked after- clean, dry beds everyday, hair cuts, dosing, daytime naps and lots of silage to munch on. Our life revolves around them and their welfare and care. Working with, and attending to them several times a day, every day, means you get to know their unique personalities; and yes cows do have personalities. Some are bullies, some are gentle, some are a little slow, some are boisterous, some are maternal, and there’s always a few cheeky ones.

Cows usually have a friend or a small group of friends who they like to pal around with. It’s really very sweet to see. When they’re chawing, I like to observe them, and it’s funny how their movements and expressions can often resemble humans. It got me thinking of the selfie culture we live in today, and how we really need a cow version- so here it is! A little snapshot of selfies from a selection of our friesian ladies.

‘The cheeky girls’

‘The cheeky girls’

‘The Yo Waddup’

‘The Yo Waddup’

‘That awkward friend’

‘That awkward friend’

‘The food blogger’

‘The food blogger’

‘The wine o’clock ladies’

‘The wine o’clock ladies’