'Days like this' - Irish slow living


Early May brings a sudden rush of lush green to the trees and hedgerows lining the contours of the drumlins. There is nothing more beautiful and revitalising than the pleasing verdure of this month. The landscape is hastily dabbed with splashes of colour; buttery dandelions speckle the fields, lilac cuckoo flowers dance within the tall swaying grasses, and primrose and purple wild violets cheerily dot the hedgerows.

I love this time of year, as it also heralds the beginning of flower pressing season. I bring my wicker basket and flower press with me as I venture down the farm lanes, and press on the go to capture the best form and colour of the blooms. My faithful friend, Pickle helps me choose which flowers to pick, but firstly they must pass the important sniff test before they enter the press.

So, come with me on my little journey around the farm. -Gillian x