'Farewell May'- Flower pressing


As May gently draws to a close, and despite all the rain we have had this month, I will miss it. For me, May heralds in the wildflowers and hedgerow blossoms. The boundaries of our farm fields become speckled in a dusting of graceful hawthorn flowers. They tumble into the meadows, and greet the drifts of dancing cow parsley, which envelopes you in a floral cloud.

I have been eagerly picking and pressing May blossoms for my flower presses. I’m always conscious to harvest sustainably, taking only what I need and never gleaning an entire area, as this can lead to the flowers demise as no seed or spores remain to regenerate and reproduce.

There is a real sense of satisfaction and pride too that I work with flowers from my surroundings, as it keeps me aware of the passing seasons, and the appreciation of these wild and untamed floral beauties that are often overlooked in a world where everything seemingly needs to be perfect and unblemished. I truly believe that there is far more beauty to be discovered in the imperfect. -Gillian x


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