'Memories & Magic'- Custom Made Looking Glass


I’m delighted to announce that for June and July I will be opening up my custom orders once again! I’ll have a very limited amount of slots available for a bespoke Looking Glass necklace each month. You can have your very own personal Looking Glass made especially for you. Ideas can include your wedding flowers, memorial blooms, seashells, your beloved pets fur or a lock of hair.

If you have been a follower of mine since the beginning (that’s a full decade this year!) you would be aware of my previous custom work, which you can find under the ‘custom projects’ tab on my blog. I documented some of the vast array of pieces I created for people all over the world. In 2012 I had the idea to preserve bridal bouquets and other sentimental items into jewellery and gifts. It was a brand new idea at the time, and I thoroughly enjoyed making each one. As my Looking Glass monthly collections took up most of my creative focus and time, I sadly had to leave custom orders behind. As the summer months are usually quieter, I decided to give the customs orders a go once again, and I’m already brimming with excitement!

As I will be devoting the next two months to custom orders, I won’t be releasing a new Looking Glass collection. There are still a few pieces that are ready to ship in store, and will make the perfect gift or treat for yourself. Visit the collection here.


All images, design concepts and words are © LOST FOREST by Gillian Corcoran. All rights reserved.