'The Willow Garden' - Pet Memorial Jewellery


The loss of a beloved pet is deeply profound. Their presence in our lives is intertwined into our daily routines. When they leave us, an empty void appears, and is strongly felt by all in the home, as a family member is no longer there.

Having a tangible object to keep their spirit alive is a special and cathartic thing. It offers healing in times when sadness is intense. This piece is in memory of a little bunny named Willow. She left this world far too soon, and her bun mom wanted a piece to memorialise her life and keep her close to her heart.

Willow loved blueberries as a treat, so I used tiny Ceanothus buds to evoke bunches of little blueberries in the floral border. I created a garland with Irish moss, Willow’s fur, honeyed wild grasses, and a woodland fern. Sweet ammi majus (wild carrot) flowers dance along the border with lilac toned heather buds. A dainty dandelion seed floats above on an eternal breeze.

I used a sparkling Peridot gemstone nestled into the border. It represented her birthstone, and offered a visual treat to the eye, particularly as the sunlight hits the faceted contours of the stone.

The final piece is a miniature garden made especially for Willow. She can now rest easy amongst the wildflowers.

-Gillian x


All images and design concepts are © Lost Forest by Gillian Corcoran.