'Foraged Finds'- Brand New Silver Collection



My brand new fine silver collection will launch this Wednesday, October 7th. It has been such an exciting, relaxing and fulfilling last few months learning the process of fine silver casting. I set myself a couple of challenges over the lockdown to keep my mind active, and give my creativity a new outlet to explore.

I taught myself two new crafts since the end of January; fine metal casting and another surprise craft, which I’ll reveal next month as I’m still finalising the last details for that one. One clue for now is it will certainly awaken the senses and relax the mind!

For now, my ‘Foraged Finds’ collection will be showcased in all their glittering glory. The idea was born out of a number of reasons; one such reason was that I had so many requests for silver items in my shop. My Looking Glass collection was always meant to be gold only, as gold has always been my signature style from the very beginning, as it just wasn’t used back then for resin jewellery. I felt if I did a silver collection, it should be very different, and have its own identity from the Looking Glasses.

I also had many items in my botanical collection that were too large or too 3-dimensional to be used within the gold frames, so I began to conjure up an idea that would work for them. Silver casting seemed like the perfect medium to achieve it. I wanted to debut each find on its own, and in its full form to create a very tactile experience. As each piece is cast from my own handmade molds of real botanicals; every lump and bump, and crease and crevice is replicated in the silver, thus creating a beautiful and accurate cast of the real item. The process is truly magical, and I find it a completely different and relaxing experience to that of resin making, which is often long and frustrating during the mixing and pouring stages.

I’m delighted and very proud of this new collection; each one crafted from my own two hands. The collection will feature items such as a fallen acorn, a wild blackberry, a woodland mushroom, a forest fern and many more treasures.

Hope you all enjoy the new ‘Foraged Finds’ collection!

© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com