'All the leaves have fallen'- A November Day

A crisp November day; the last day in fact of what was a particularly wet, grey and seemingly endless month. I must admit that I am glad to be leaving it behind, and hoping that these frosty sunny days will join us into the month of December.

I spent today pruning, chopping, cleaning, raking and sweeping the garden. Although everything is looking quite bare, it is quite cathartic to give everywhere a good thorough tidy. I’m hoping to add a few more bulbs into the beds, plant a few more trees, and then my work will be done, and I will just have to twiddle my thumbs until spring arrives.

I managed to press some beautiful vibrant leaves that remained- cherry blossom and apple leaves. I plan to make some special pieces with them in the new year.

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© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com