'One chapter closed, a new one opens'


One of the biggest changes for my business in 2021 is that I'll no longer be taking custom orders. I have given this a lot of thought over the last year, and it seems the right thing to do for my business going forward. It will allow me more time to focus on my monthly Looking Glass collection updates, which proved so successful this year, and I was truly overwhelmed with the reaction they received. It will also give me time to finalise a brand new venture I'm planning to bring into my shop next year.

Time is such a valuable factor for all independent one-person businesses, and one we can never have enough of. It’s incredible how fast this year especially has flown by, and how time slips so fluidly through our fingers. 2020 gifted me a beneficial insight into my business, and what changes needed to be made. For that I am grateful, as owning a small business is a constant wavering learning curve. You should never stop learning, improving, and changing to make things work more efficiently for you and you business.

I have loved creating and making every piece over the last 8 years, and I have met some wonderful and inspiring customers along the way. It was a privilege working with everyone, and creating cherished mementos for clients all over the globe. It was a hard decision of course, but it feels like the right thing to do. There’s a renewed and palpable sense of excitement in the Lost Forest studio for what the new year will bring. Thank you for being part of one chapter of Lost Forest’s story, and now to open the next. - Gillian x

© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com