'A Slice of Pixie Pie Please'- New Pixie Collection

A new batch of pixie necklaces have been freshly baked. Baked? Why yes, these special pastel-coloured pendants have been created using the culinary expertise of the Pixie folk. We all enjoy an indulgent treat from time to time, and Pixie’s are no different. However, rather than devouring divine cupcakes and heavenly chocolate cake, their tastes are just a little peculiar. Wildflower pies are the most delectable and nectarous confection amongst the Pixie’s, and these pendants offer a wondrous glimpse into their favourite wildflower varieties; Blueberry Pixie Pie, Lemon Pixie Pie, Strawberry Pixie Pie and of course my favourite (yep, I’ve tried them) is the Raspberry & Lemon Pixie Pie. Each pie is sprinkled with a confectioners confetti of Irish wildflowers, resting on a luxuriously thick layer of fruit flavoured cream. They’re much too delicious to turn your Pixie nose up at!

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© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com
© Lost Forest | www.lost-forest.com