'On a cold and wet November Day'


When the stresses and strains of running a small business become a little overwhelming, I always retreat into nature for some grounding, and a shift in perspective. It’s really quite amazing how filling your lungs with refreshing autumn air and observing the subtle changes in the landscape help to unburden the mind and clear outlooks that often felt rather insurmountable.

When I return to the comforting warmth of my studio, a renewed vigour is often sparked, and I feel ready to begin creating once again. November and early December were usually very busy times for me; attending markets and shows to sell my work and meet with my customers and other creatives. It does seem like a distant memory now, as the world is a remarkably different place.

It is now a quieter time. I am grateful to be able to sell online, as it has been an integral part of keeping my business going through these rocky paths we all have to venture down as self-employed artists.

I will be closing my shop mid-late November to take a little break, and work away on new ideas and just take time to garden, walk the fields, and slow down. I’ll be tinkering away at little projects I’ve had in the pipeline for quite a while. It’s nice to create just for the sake of it, and get fully immersed in a process and learn each stage, embrace the failures, move on, and try again, as the life and soul of any piece of creative work is found in the process, and it’s here where you discover yourself and the true intention behind your art.